Friday 26 April 2013


We were given a number of tasks which was to take a number of photo's of three different purposes, which were decay, school brochure and photo essay on a day in the life. 

When trying to reach the purpose of decay I was trying to make my photo's as interesting as possible by using various techniques and range of of different locations. When doing the school brochure I tried to make them look professional and show some of the best features of the school. When doing the 'day in the life' photo essay tried to make the purpose of the pictures as easy to realise as possible.

I found taking the photo's and learning more uses of photoshop, the most enjoyable process throughout the project. 

I would have had more to time to take more photo's so I would have a wider variety to choose from such as the decay section as I think I could have taken better photo's if I had more time to look for more interesting objects.

My favourite image would be one of my 'day in the life' images as I felt the colour contrast worked well. I have compared it to some professional photo's of similar contrast of colour and design of the image with dark colours in the background but on object which is bright and brings focus to the center of the image.

My least favourite image was the picture of Joe and Max on the sledge as I felt it blurred so I tried to make the main focus point Joe and Max but I still feel it didn't work. Compared to the professional image I feel the trying to get an action shot shouldn't blur and should be clear and show the purpose of the image.

Having more experience and having some construction criticism from friends who have been a photographer for a longer period of time such as Ken who gave a good opinion on some of my photo's.

I improved my skills in editing from watching youtube videos and also Will as he is very experience when using photoshop and also gave me some great ideas for some of my work. Also just playing with photoshop gave me a good experience and gave me more ideas I could use on some of my images.

I uploaded my pictures and presented them in different ways because using the flickr slideshow looked professional and also could be embedded onto my blog which means all my images are in the same place. I used the school brochure layout to show the purpose of the images and how they would be presented if they were used for a school brochure.

To get feedback for my images I used a website called Freedback which let me design my own questions for my feed back. I have found I haven't concentrated on some of the subjects in my images such as my school brochure. I should also improve the focus of some of my images such as the action shots.

Tuesday 23 April 2013


Are the images suitably edited for the school brochure?
What impression do you get about the school from the brochure images?
In general, how could the images be improved for the brochure? Better original images
Improved focus
More interesting subjects
Less obvious editing
none of the above
they're all great
Looking critically at the photo essay images, is the focus of the subject clear? - please comment with your reasons.
What impression do you get about my subject from the photo essay images?
In general, how could the images be improved for the photo essay? Better original images
Improved focus
More interesting subjects
Less obvious editing
none of the above
they're all great
Looking critically at the Decay images, is the focus of the subject clear? - please comment with your reasons.
Is it easy to understand what the Decay images are about?
In general, how could the images be improved for the Decay? Better original images
Improved focus
More interesting subjects
Less obvious editing
none of the above
they're all great

This form powered by Freedback

Tuesday 26 February 2013


I have darkened the image using contrast and saturation. Also I cropped the image and selected a main focus point by blurring the left bringing more focus to the window